Menopause care Linden, NJ

Understanding Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural transition in a woman's life when her menstrual periods stop permanently and she can no longer get pregnant. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. During perimenopause, estrogen levels become more unpredictable, causing changes in menstruation and other symptoms. Menopause officially begins 12 months after a woman's last menstrual period. The average age is 51, but it can happen anywhere from 40-55 years old.

Around this time, women's bodies produce less of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This leads to changes throughout the body - like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and bone loss. Lower hormone levels also increase the risk for certain health conditions down the line, like osteoporosis and heart disease. Proper treatment can help manage symptoms and reduce future risks.

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Signs and Symptoms

The most well-known sign of menopause is hot flashes. But many women experience a variety of other symptoms as well:

These unpleasant symptoms can disrupt both a woman's personal and professional life. Treatment can provide relief in many cases.

Causes and Risk Factors

The main cause of menopause is declining ovarian function and lower levels of estrogen/progesterone. Normally, the ovaries release an egg each month (ovulation). But as a woman gets older, her ovaries make less estrogen and progesterone and ovulate less frequently. By menopause, egg production has essentially halted.

Certain factors can increase a woman's risk of early menopause, before age 45:

For these women, hormonal changes are more sudden compared to natural menopause. Symptoms may be more severe as a result.

Hormone Testing

Getting your hormone levels tested is important for both perimenopause and menopause. Blood or saliva tests help detect imbalances and determine if you need treatment.

When to Test

Testing is recommended if you have:

Do not assume symptoms are just normal aging changes. Evaluate hormone levels first. Treatment can minimize disruptions to daily living.

What Hormones are Tested

The main hormones checked are:

Comparing levels to standard reference ranges determines imbalances. Testing at multiple points over months gives the most accurate picture as hormones fluctuate.

Where to Get Tested in Linden

Convenient options for testing in Linden:

Knowing your hormone levels is key for proper treatment and symptom relief.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

There are important health reasons to treat menopausal hormone imbalance:

Relief of Symptoms

Supplementing hormones - most often estrogen and/or progesterone - can provide prompt relief from disruptive menopausal symptoms:

With balanced hormones, most women feel much better on a day-to-day basis.

Long-Term Health Benefits

In addition to symptom relief now, balancing hormones at menopause can prevent future health risks:


Cardiovascular disease

Overall longevity

By preventing bone and heart issues today, women avoid higher risks down the road.

Types of Hormone Therapies

There are a variety of hormone treatment options to meet each woman's needs:

Systemic Estrogen Therapy

Progestogen Therapy

Local Estrogen

Bioidentical Hormones

Hormone preparations and combinations are matched to your symptoms and needs for the best response.

Interesting fact

Many women are unaware that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been scientifically proven to help ease troublesome menopause symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and mood changes. CBT helps women change negative thought patterns and develop better coping strategies during this transitional life stage.

Renewal Hormone Clinic Advantage

Renewal Hormone Clinic has extensive expertise with all varieties of hormone therapies to treat menopause. Patients benefit from:

Highly Specialized Menopause Hormone Specialists

Our practitioners focus specifically on complex hormone issues surrounding perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause:

You see a true expert, not just a general OB-GYN.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We tailor hormone therapy to your unique situation based on:

No pre-set protocols - your body receives what it needs.

Holistic Approach

Renewal Hormone Clinic recognizes nutrition, fitness, and mental health influence hormone balance and menopause symptoms. Our plans include:

Diet and nutrition counseling - Promotes hormones and health

Fitness coaching - Boosts mood, sleep, thinking with exercise

Integrative services - Yoga, acupuncture, massages

We support Total Wellness during this transition.

Caring Patient Partnership

Our staff appreciates the significance of menopause for every woman. We build trusted relationships through:

You receive support for both physical and emotional aspects.

Renewal Hormone Clinic has the knowledge, experience, and compassion to guide you to renewed comfort and wellness after menopause. Contact us today to learn more how we can help during this important transition.

Get your hormone levels tested for relief!

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